S25 - Session P1 - Physiological response of Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula x intermedia under water stress conditions : the RECITAL project
Monday, August 15, 2022 2:50 PM to 2:55 PM · 5 min. (Europe/Paris)
Angers University
S25 International symposium on medicinal and aromatic plants: domestication, breeding, cultivation and new perspectives
Authors: Guillaume Frémondière, Benjamin Lemaire, Lia Lamacque, Stéphane Herbette, Thierry Ameglio, Philippe Gallois
Type of sessions
Eposter Flash Presentation
Type of broadcast
In person
Room 307
Eposter Session including this EPoster flash presentation
S25 - Session P1 - Optimisation of soil cultivation - Screen S25.1
Monday, August 15, 2022 2:00 PM to 2:55 PM
Angers University