S14 - Session P4 - Cyst nematode management with resistant trap plants, a new agroecological model for carrot production

S14 - Session P4 - Cyst nematode management with resistant trap plants, a new agroecological model for carrot production

Friday, August 19, 2022 2:05 PM to 2:10 PM · 5 min. (Europe/Paris)
Angers Congress Centre
S14 International symposium on sustainable control of pests and diseases


Authors: Ségolène Dandin *, Bruno Pitrel

To protect carrot crops in plots infested with the nematode Heterodera carotae, innovative means of protection have been worked on by the research community in France. Thus, the Terapur variety, marketed by Vilmorin-Mikado since 2021, was developed following 20 years of studies. Trials conducted in Normandy with this variety have made it possible to reduce the populations of J2 stage larvae by 32 to 51%. The principle behind the use of this variety is to stimulate the hatching of cysts and larvae by the presence of root exudates and then to block the larvae in the development of its feeding site. Its root and aerial development allows it to colonise the soil (more than 76% for crops sown in the open) and the optimisation of the cultural itinerary of this variety is very important to ensure its good development which will favour its effectiveness. This carrot, which is not a consumer carrot, will be destroyed after several months in place.

Type of sessions
Eposter Flash Presentation
Type of broadcast
In person
Grand Angle Room B - Screen 1

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