S15 - Session P3 - CLIMATVEG: Transition and sustainability of crop production systems in the context of climate change
Authors: Marie-Pierre Cassagnes, Solen Leherissey, H. Freulon *
This multi-sectors and multi-stakeholders project concerns the plant sector s . The project will allow to: Share knowledge about future climate (towards 2050 and 2035) and measure the resilience of plant sectors (field crops, grassland, seed, viticulture, horticulture, arboriculture), through jointly research with farmers on adaptation and opportunity development scenarios at the farm level, which in turn will be deployed at territory level to analyse their impacts; Experiment with innovative agroecological solutions based on the choice of crops, seeds, tillage, water resources to adapt and reduce climate change impacts. An analysis of the multi-performance of the innovative techniques studied will be carried out. The actions deployed in the project combine approaches at the scale of the plot, the farm and the territory; Raise awareness of all stakeholders in the plant sector about the challenges of climate change to enhance the development of a sustainable and solidarity-based agriculture. While addressing both research and experimental issues, the project seeks to put farmers at the heart of planned actions in order to streamline the appropriation of the knowledge produced. Actors of the territory will continue to share the actions they have already undertaken and those they wish to implement together in the project. This space for dialogue between sectors opens up new ideas and reflections. The project will thus allow a collective progression of the know-how of the actors of the territory. In summary, this multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder (more than 75 partners) plant-based project aims to understand the impact of climate change by studying the multiperformance of a wide variety of adaptation levers related to plants, soil and water resources. Overall, the work will contribute to the resilience and sustainability of the plant sectors in the West of France.