S24 - Session O3 - Nutritional and health benefits of fern fiddleheads – a neglected green vegetables in European diet

S24 - Session O3 - Nutritional and health benefits of fern fiddleheads – a neglected green vegetables in European diet

Friday, August 19, 2022 11:30 AM to 11:45 AM · 15 min. (Europe/Paris)
Angers University
S24 IX International symposium on human health effects of fruits and vegetables - FAVHEALTH2022


Authors: Lenka Langhansova *, Marcela Dvorakova, Antonio Pavicic

The goji berry ( Lycium spp.) belongs to the Solanaceae family. The genus Lycium comprises 87 recognized species and is distributed in arid and semi-arid regions in temperate to subtropical zones around the world. Wolfberry has been consumed as food and medicine for more than 4000 years, and the cultivation of L. barbarum has been recorded for more than 600 years in the Northwestern part of China, especially Ningxia province which is also the authentic region of Chinese medicine, Lycii Fructus . Both the fresh and dried fruits and leaves of the goji berry have multipurpose use. Also, they are closely related that human health phenolic substances which are particularly effective on the color, flavor, and durability of fruits and vegetables, depending on the antioxidant properties of anticarcinogen the antimutagenic and maintenance show antimicrobial activity. In Chinese folk medicine, wolfberry extracts have been used to treat and prevent various liver, eye, kidney, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and treat cancer due to their rich chemical composition and medical properties. This berry fruit also helps to improve mood swings and creates an optimistic feeling in people who eat it. So, goji berries may have a positive effect on decreasing depression and anxiety-like behaviors. The aim of this study is demonsrated that the benefits of goji fruits on human health.

Type of sessions
Oral Presentations
Type of broadcast
In Replay (after IHC)In personIn remote
Amphitheatre Lagon

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