S02 - Session P5 - Research on the phenotypic and biochemical expression of Sideritis sc. varieties acclimated and bred at Plant Genetic Resources Bank Buzau, Romania

S02 - Session P5 - Research on the phenotypic and biochemical expression of Sideritis sc. varieties acclimated and bred at Plant Genetic Resources Bank Buzau, Romania

Friday, August 19, 2022 2:45 PM to 2:50 PM · 5 min. (Europe/Paris)
Angers Congress Centre
S02 International symposium on conservation and sustainable use of horticultural genetic resources


Authors: Geanina Negosanu *, Adrian Asanica, Costel Vinatoru, Bianca Musat, Camelia Bratu, Matilda Popescu

Sideritis scardica ("Shepherd's Tea" in Greece or "Mursalski chai" in Bulgaria) is a perennial endemic plant in Mediterranean regions and the Balkans. Its rich content in antioxidants with major role in maintaining the immune system and its ability to eliminate residual proteins from neuronal synapses responsible for the formation of protein plaques attributed to Alzheimer's disease have been subjects of recent research. The plant is used for its aroma in hot or cold drinks and as a medicinal plant sold in specialized pharmacies, being highly appreciated for its content in active principles: flavonoids, essential oils, amino acids, and minerals: Fe, Ca, Mg, K. Romania offers favorable pedo-climatic conditions for the cultivation of Sideritis sp. . Therefore, a main goal was to acclimatize Sideritis scardica at Romaniaʾs growing conditions, getting through breeding new genotypes with distinct phenotypic expression and develop tailored cultivation technology. The current researches envisage the genetic resources owned by P.G.R.B. Buzau and include studies of five genetically stabilized genotypes. G1-G5 were analyzed in comparison with the Romanian "Domnesc" patented variety used as control. The methods used were negative mass selection for the "Domnesc" variety and repeated individual selection and crossing for G1-G5 genotypes. Phenotyping and biometric observations and lab biochemical analysis were conducted on plants harvested before and after flowering stage. The outcomes indicated the presence of valuable germplasm, wherefrom five genotypes proved superior adaptability and genetic stability in lineage. In terms of quantitative traits, G1 had the highest floral mass value with an average of 780g/plant and G5 reached 1170g leaf mass /plant. The distinct phenotypic expression and valuable biochemical composition like Fe content 64mg/ 100g and ascorbic acid 200mg/ 100g followed the same trend. G2 had the strongest fragrance of all five genotypes on all vegetative aerial parts and was selected for patenting in 2022.

Type of sessions
Eposter Flash Presentation
Type of broadcast
In person
Grand Angle Room A - Screen 1

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