S01 - Session P10 - Performance of selective tropical pumpkin F1 hybrids developed by the World Vegetable Center in observational yield trial in Thailand

S01 - Session P10 - Performance of selective tropical pumpkin F1 hybrids developed by the World Vegetable Center in observational yield trial in Thailand

Friday, August 19, 2022 2:45 PM to 2:50 PM · 5 min. (Europe/Paris)
Angers Congress Centre
S01 Breeding and effective use of biotechnology and molecular tools in horticultural crops


Authors: Suwannee Laenoi *, Narinder Dhillon

Pumpkin ( Cucurbita moschata ) fruit is an excellent plant-based source of beta-carotene, which human metabolism converts into vitamin A. Average pumpkin fruit yields in Africa and Asia are less compared with average yields in North America. Lack of farmer access to quality seed of high yielding, disease resistant varieties and poor knowledge of pumpkin agronomy are major causes that account for low yields in Africa and Asia. The global pumpkin breeding program of the World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) is based in Thailand. Using pumpkin landraces of diverse origins, WorldVeg has developed F1 hybrids that are high yielding, resistant to multiple viruses, and rich in beta-carotene. We evaluated 8 WorldVeg beta-carotene rich and multiple virus resistant pumpkin F1 hybrids of different market segments along with 4 commercial reference hybrids in an Observational Yield Trial in Thailand from November 2020 n January 2021. Data on fruit yield and other horticultural traits of these pumpkin accessions will be presented.

Type of sessions
Eposter Flash Presentation
Type of broadcast
In person
beta-caroteneCucurbita moschataDisease resistance
Amphitheatre Jardin - Screen 1

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